Thematic Analysis with MAXQDA

Wednesday, 28 February 




120,00 €

80,00 € reduced

students/doctoral candidates


MAXQDA can be harnessed to undertake qualitative and mixed-methods analysis drawing on a range of different analytic methods. Thematic analysis is a common approach which has become increasingly popular in recent years – amongst students working on qualitative dissertations and amongst researchers working throughout academic and applied research sectors (e.g. government, policy, charity, market-research etc. This workshop focuses on how the techniques involved in the phases of work in a thematic analysis can be accomplished using the software tools provided by MAXQDA. Using Braun & Clarke’s (2021) six phases of Reflexive Thematic Analysis as an example framework, we set up a thematic analysis in MAXQDA and experiment with a range of tools that can be used to familiarize with data, code data, generate, develop, review and refine themes, capture analytic reflections throughout the process, and share findings and process. We discuss the appropriateness of tools for different analytic tasks, and the benefits of using MAXQDA for thematic analysis in comparison to manual methods.


  • The importance of methodology and how research objectives drive the use of software tools
  • Approaches to thematic analysis – similarities and differences in thematic analysis approaches
  • Planning an analysis – the purpose and use of Analytic Planning Worksheets for planning the tasks involved in the phases of thematic analysis
  • Data formatting – transcription protocols that maximise functionality in MAXQDA
  • Analytic Planning Worksheets for planning the tasks involved in the phases of thematic analysis
  • Setting up a project – structuring the MAXQDA workspace in line with your objectives
  • Identifying, developing and refining themes – using MAXQDA tools to construct, work with and explore themes as you develop them
  • Organising data – attaching socio-demographics or other meta-data to the units in your analysis
  • Conceptualising data – interpretive and inductive coding compared with automated coding options and their role in thematic analysis

For Whom

For all those looking to develop expertise in MAXQDA for a qualitative or mixed methods analysis.


Knowledge of the MAXQDA basic features. You should be familiar with the interface, be able to code texts, retrieve coded segments and write memos.


Please bring a laptop with the latest version of MAXQDA (Windows or Mac) installed to this workshop. The free trial version is sufficient. Please notice the system requirements.

About the Trainer

Dr. Christina Silver, is the director of Qualitative Data Analysiis Services and manager of the CAQDAS Networking Project, which provides information, advice and training in a range of software packages designed to facilitate the analysis of qualitative and mixed data, including MAXQDA. Christina’s particular interests relate to the relationship between technology and methodology and the effective teaching of qualitative software. She is co-author with Ann Lewins of Using Software in Qualitative Research (Sage publications, 2007, 2014) and Qualitative Analysis using MAXQDA: The Five-Level QDA® method (Routledge 2018) with Nicholas Woolf. Christina is also co-director of the University of Surrey’s Day Courses in Social Research and the co-founder of Qualitative Data Analysis Services (QDAS), which provides customised training, analysis and consultancy services for individuals and groups engaged in qualitative analysis.