Teaching Qualitative Data Analysis with MAXQDA

Wednesday, 28 February 




120,00 €

80,00 € reduced

students/doctoral candidates


This workshop will present strategies for developing engaging courses and workshops for qualitative researchers who are new to qualitative data analysis as well as MAXQDA software. The approach distinguishes between the tools we use to interact with primary data (e.g. memos, segments, codes and variables) and the processes we employ to search and retrieve, review and reflect, and finally reduce data into succinct discussions of research findings. We will discuss approaches for structuring methodological content and software demonstrations, using secondary data for practical exercises, incorporating individual and team-based activities, and incorporating questions related to specific research and data collection projects. We will discuss and model:

  • How to develop a step-by-step approach to learning that integrates software practice early in the course or workshop
  • How to balance methodological presentations, software demonstrations, and hands-on practice with MAXQDA
  • How to incorporate the use of secondary data in practical exercises
  • How to decide between providing your own secondary data and using the participants
  • How to model individual and team-based processes in the classroom or workshop environment
  • How to develop course or workshop content to accomplish participant learning objectives
  • How to use concrete examples when explaining difficult concepts (Hawaiian Shirts!)


  • Strategies for presenting methodological content alongside software demonstrations
  • Developing individual practice exercises that apply methodological approaches to secondary data using MAXQDA
  • Using group exercises to demonstrate the richness of team-based approaches to analysis (and generate more dynamic classes and workshops)
  • Collaborative planning for successful classes and workshops

For Whom

This course is for anyone interested in integrating MAXQDA into their teaching of Qualitative Data Analysis courses or Workshops for novice researchers in academic or applied settings. Sample syllabi and schedules for semester-long, week-long intensive, and 1-2 day workshops will be provided.


Participants should have moderate familiarity with methodological approaches to qualitative data analysis and MAXQDA software.


Please bring a laptop with the most recent version of MAXQDA installed (Windows or Mac) installed to this workshop. The free trial version is sufficient. Please notice the system requirements.

About the Trainer

Prof. Karen L Andes, is the Director of the MPH Program at Brown University’s School of Public Health where she holds an appointment as Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences. She has 30+ years in public health research, training and practice, and is a broadly trained social scientist. Her expertise includes adolescent sexual health, positive youth development, health disparities, and social determinants of health. She’s contributed to projects in Paraguay since 2005, offering qualitative analysis proficiency in areas like pediatric oncology, emergency preparedness, COVID vaccine hesitancy, and more. A certified MAXQDA trainer, she’s also authored a Coursera specialization on qualitative research methods for public health.