I´m working on my first QDA analysis using SW like this for the first time so I watched a lot of tutorials etc. and I really appreciated presented possibility of making complex tree code structure wich I used for coding. As the work's theoretical framework is thematic analysis, whole code-set is based on that (around 9000 codes) and when I finished the stage of coding and tried to use some analytical tools, I found that something is wrong because it just takes into account most usually only the segments related to the main code, sometimes the first sub-code level is ok, but I have at least another one where almost everything is "stored".
So the question is if am I doing anything wrong even when activating the codes including all the sub-codes via right-click? Because basically nothing works with that incuding making a copy of a code or making code-set from it. Can you please explain the limits in general and how to do such a basic operations?
Best regards,
Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11