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Screen Display Issues for Document and Code System

Moderator: srueger

Screen Display Issues for Document and Code System

16.11.2022, 22:59

Hello! I have recently upgraded from Office 10 to Office 11. (I have MAXQDA 11 installed). The text does not display clearly on screen - the rows overlap. I have tried various resolution changes without success. The MAXQDA preferences are set to Large -- small made it illegible. Here is a screen shot. I wasn't sure how to post an image to show you. I'm happy to if you provide me some guidance.

Kind regards,

Version: MAXQDA 11
System: Windows 11
Posts: 2
Joined: 14.11.2022, 18:18

Re: Screen Display Issues for Document and Code System

17.11.2022, 12:41

Dear Elizabeth,

There is a chance that whatever is happening has to do with user settings being messed up for some reason. So you can reset your user settings to find out if that helps. To reset the user settings, please open the setting and select in the menu "Reset user settings" and press "OK”. MAXQDA will close and restart and everything should be back at its place.

If this does not help, please contact the MAXQDA support directly with a screenshot and more details about this error.

I hope this helps!

Andreas M.
Posts: 72
Joined: 21.02.2020, 14:02

Re: Screen Display Issues for Document and Code System

20.11.2022, 16:45

That did help! Many thanks!
Posts: 2
Joined: 14.11.2022, 18:18

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