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Adding to transcripts

18.07.2022, 20:07

I conducted a project several months ago in which I had answers to three open-ended questions by a number of people who had attended a corporate meeting.
The structure mostly fitted a focus group, so I imported and coded as a focus group, with one document per question

The client came back today with additional responses by people who answered the same questions after the sessions had completed, and they want me to update the report.

Is there an elegant way to add to an existing focus group document that has already been coded?

Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Posts: 31
Joined: 04.06.2021, 18:50

Re: Adding to transcripts

21.07.2022, 09:43

Hi Matthew,

Thank you for posting here.

Do we understand correctly that you wish to add some additional text to the already coded focus group transcript? You can try to add the additional text to the original transcript and import the document to MAXQDA as a focus group transcript.

Now you can create a .mex-file for the already coded transcript and transfer it to the newly imported one. But please make sure to deselect the focus group speaker codes when you create the .mex file.

We hope this works for you!

Kind regards,
MAXQDA support team
Posts: 90
Joined: 27.11.2019, 11:44

Re: Adding to transcripts

04.08.2022, 16:09

Thanks Maren, yes, that will work
Posts: 31
Joined: 04.06.2021, 18:50

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