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Question: rearranging and manipulating a project

23.05.2018, 01:54

I have largely finished coding a large set of interviews and I'd like to add and combine frequency counts of overlapping codes while keeping the current coding and code system. It seems as if I would have to duplicate portions of my original code set, or create additional copies, in order to do this. Then, I could combine or rearrange codes to do some different analyses without altering my original coding. I'm wondering whether there's another way to accomplish my goal, or, if it's best to create a duplicate, what's the best way to go about that. The MAXQDA support person was very helpful, but suggested that I ask on the forum to see if anyone has additional ideas.

In my project, I coded interviews according to my interview questions, with the main code consisting of the question and sub codes consisting of the various extensive, possible responses. The subjects of the questions and the possible responses overlap. For instance, one question asks respondents about the reasons why/why not the US complies with international law and another asks them about the reasons why/why not other countries comply with international law. The possible responses to both questions obviously overlap. So, I want to be able make a frequency count of subjects who respond, for instance, that concerns about reputation encourage states to comply, not just the US, or not just other countries. If I had a duplicate, I thought I could combine the like responses to all questions (for instance, all those who say that reputation plays a role in compliance for the US and for other states) in order to get the total frequency count among all subjects. I don't want to change my original coding set when combining responses to different questions, because I also want to make frequency counts of responses to the originals.

How can I add and combine frequency counts for these overlapping codes? If creating a duplicate is the best approach, how best to do that? It seems like the best way is to create an entirely new project, copying relevant portions of the original project using the command "Create project from activated documents." One downside is that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to make any further changes to my coding in both sets so that they continue to track one another. Is there a better or simpler way? Is there a way to duplicate existing codes and coded segments within the same project? One suggestion has been to use code sets, but I've found that it doesn't seem possible to copy multiple codes into a new set and keep the order of the original, or to move or copy coded segments in the new set. Am I missing something?

Many thanks for any suggestions.

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Windows 10
Posts: 1
Joined: 22.05.2018, 15:07

Re: Question: rearranging and manipulating a project

25.06.2021, 17:26

I know this is 3 years late and I don't have an answer, but I have the same question.

I can find out to duplicate a single code with its coded segments, but I want to duplicate a whole hierarchy of codes with their coded segments so I can pursue an alternative organization of the project.

There doesn't seem to be an option to duplicate a code with its coded segments along with subcodes and their coded segments...

Unless anyone has a solution?
Posts: 3
Joined: 17.02.2014, 17:25
Location: USA

Re: Question: rearranging and manipulating a project

02.07.2021, 21:07

Is this perhaps something you could solve using Code Sets?
It's hard to visualize what you want at the end of the process without a bit more detail
Posts: 31
Joined: 04.06.2021, 18:50

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