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Lexical search - find whole words

27.04.2020, 09:16

Hi all,

I used the lexical search and ticked the box "find whole words". In the manual it says that this search won't find the word teacher when looking for teach.

Unfortunately in my documents it finds an adverb (e.g. socially) when I search for e.g. social.

Any ideas how to fix it?

Thanks in advance,


Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra)
Posts: 1
Joined: 23.04.2020, 09:10

Re: Lexical search - find whole words

03.05.2020, 18:22


That is really interesting! If you selected the option "only whole words", the search results should display only strings that are exactly the same as the search words. I would suggest here resetting your user settings (to rule out any possible errors in the configurations file):

a) Press Shift + cmd + g
b) Enter the following and click "OK": ~/Library/Preferences/MAXQDA2020
c) Delete the files "MAXQDA2020.ini" and "MAXQDA2020.ini.LOCK" (if available).

Don't worry. It doesn't delete any of your data. It merely renews the configurations. Does it help? If not, please don't hesitate to contact our MAXQDA technical support team via sending us a ticket.

Best regards,

Posts: 90
Joined: 19.07.2019, 09:48

Re: Lexical search - find whole words

04.05.2020, 18:40

Hi Juli,
Maybe this is a dumb question, but do you maybe have "Include words from lemma list" ticked?
That would also result in what you are seeing

Posts: 127
Joined: 28.02.2014, 19:38
Location: Washington DC & Denver Colorado

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