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What is the easiest way to make a set of documents?

19.08.2018, 12:21

We have 923 documents in total.
87 documents are about 'work'

What is the easiest way to make a document set that only contains these 87 documents?

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Windows 10
Posts: 45
Joined: 25.06.2018, 12:39

Re: What is the easiest way to make a set of documents?

20.08.2018, 10:31

Thank you again for this straightforward question! That sounds like the perfect question to ask someone who wants to join the MAXQDA support team, I'll keep it in mind for the next time we hire someone ;)

Assuming that the information is present in the form of codes that have been assigned to the documents' text (or image, video, it all works the same), the easiest way to do this is the following:

0) [No documents should be activated when you start. To deactivate all documents, click (twice) on the grey circle in the very first row in the window "Document System" called "Documents"]

1) First we need to be able to target the documents in which the code "Work" does appear. To do this, we transform the code occurences into a document variable: Just right-click on the code "Work", and select "Transform into document variable".

2) The data editor for document variables should automatically appear. (Otherwise it can be found in the "Variables"-tab, second button from the left.) There will be a new column on the right called "Work"; each cell contains the number of occurences for this document. Now right-click on the column header "Work" -> Set filter", then enter in the last row ("Greater than") the number "0". Now click somewhere in the data editor, press CTRL+A to select all of the document which contain at least 1 occurence of the code "Work", right-click on an entry, and select "activate".

3) Now go to the "Document System"-window, right-click on "Sets", then select "New Sets". A new set from your activated documents will be created.

ps: Another feature to do this is called "Activate by document variable", here you can also activate a check box that will create a new set for the current activation:

I hope this helps?

Kind regards,
Andreas V.

Re: What is the easiest way to make a set of documents?

26.09.2018, 11:01

Hi Andreas,

Maybe I do something wrong, but this does not work.
I follow your steps, but at step 2 you say:
"There will be a new column on the right called "Work"; each cell contains the number of occurences for this document. Now right-click on the column header "Work" -> Set filter", then enter in the last row ("Greater than") the number "0" "etc.
But in my file all documents only have a 0 (zero occurences - which is of course not true) (but may be 'true' due to internal logic of the program)

I tried the same with another code (weet niet) and the same thing happens: all 0's in the data editor for document variables.

Posts: 45
Joined: 25.06.2018, 12:39

Re: What is the easiest way to make a set of documents?

26.09.2018, 11:37

and I think I figured it out. Is has (again) to do with not aggregating subcodes to a higher (parent) level.
(although I use the updated version of MAXQDA)

For example: 'Werk' has around 40 subcodes, including sub-subcodes and sub-sub-subcodes. If I transform these sub(sub)codes into document variables, an occasional 1 turns up:

It would be a lot of work to turn all 40 sub(sub)codes into document variables, and I would end up with a matrix with many columns, each containing only an occasional number '1'. (since some sub-sub-subcodes occur only once).

While I actually want to know, on parent level, if the (collapsed / aggregated) code 'work' is there or not (binary; Yes or No).

Again: how should I do this?
Posts: 45
Joined: 25.06.2018, 12:39

Re: What is the easiest way to make a set of documents?

26.09.2018, 12:09

Hello Karin,
good that you ask! I made a new video tutorial, and although it's unrelated to this topic, I figured out the fastest way to aggregate frequencies:

1) Collapse the parent code
2) Doubleclick on it
3) Click on an entry and press CTRL+A on your keyboard
4) Autocode the results with a new code

Then you can right-click on this new code to transform the frequencies into document variables.

To make them binary, you could use the filter-mechanism I recommended above (or export them to excel and reimport them if needed).

Hope that helps?

Kind regards,

Andreas V.

Re: What is the easiest way to make a set of documents?

09.10.2018, 12:40

Hi Andreas,

I will open a new topic for my reply.
Posts: 45
Joined: 25.06.2018, 12:39

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