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Using Highlights - adding colours

06.01.2018, 16:51

Using highlights to colour text.
I am using both codes and highlights to encode segments of text. With a specific meaning attached to when a word is highlighted rather than or in addition to coded. I have already assigned the 5 highlight colours - can I/ how do I add more custom colours to highlights?
Thanks for any tips.


Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Windows 10
Posts: 1
Joined: 06.01.2018, 16:37

Re: Using Highlights - adding colours

08.01.2018, 11:03

Dear FeMacD,
welcome to the MAXQDA Forum! You can't create more highlighters with custom colors in exactly the same way, but you could create a new "Custom Highligters"-code and use it in almost the same way that you used the other highlighters. To do so, simply right-click on the margin area, and select "Color code text". Now only display your new "custom colors code" by activating it and selecting "Only [display] activated codes" in the same context menu.
Kind regards
Andreas V.

Re: Using Highlights - adding colours

16.11.2018, 14:10

To do so, simply right-click on the margin area, and select "Color code text". Now only display your new "custom colors code" by activating it and selecting "Only [display] activated codes" in the same context menu.

There is a bit of a UI bug here: if I follow the above instructions and then activate another code, that code will be displayed in the margins but the text will not be highlighted until I deselect ""Only [display] activated codes", save, and reactivate "Only [display] activated codes".
Posts: 9
Joined: 18.10.2018, 12:56

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