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Increase font size

04.01.2018, 16:43

Is it possible to change the font size of the display at all? I have ticked the 'Large Font' box in the Preference settings but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Particularly when looking at something like the Data Editor window, there often seems to be a great deal of white space and yet the text is quite difficult to read on a laptop screen. An option to increase or decrease it as required would be really helpful.

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Windows 10
Posts: 5
Joined: 11.10.2017, 09:57

Re: Increase font size

16.01.2018, 17:51

Hi julia,
you'll have to go through the operating system to further increase the fonts (which can be quite large, so no worries). To do this, press the windows-key, enter "size", and select "Change size of text, apps, and other items". Here you can scale your entire system, including MAXQDA (I have 200% on my 4k-monitors, which looks perfect for me).
Kind regards,
Andreas V.

Re: Increase font size

24.01.2018, 11:47

Thanks for the reply Andreas, but I neither need or want to alter it through the operating system. I have tried doing this but that just makes the text of all my other apps too big and its not a process that I want to go through every time I use MaxQDA. Many other apps have a facility within themselves, so I was just wondering if it could be added.
Posts: 5
Joined: 11.10.2017, 09:57

Re: Increase font size

29.01.2018, 15:06

Hmm okay, in this case the mentioned procedure doesn't help of course.

When you wrote "but it doesn't seem to make any difference" I mistakenly understood this as "the amount it changes is not satisfactory". But do you really mean it doesn't change at all? There should be definitely a noticeably difference between those two options.. haven't had the case yet where this option makes no difference at all.

If it doesn't change it all, there might be a glitch in the temporay user files, so you could reset your user settings to find out if that helps. To do that, navigate in the menu to Project > Preferences... > User Interface > Reset User Settings. This will not delete any data from your project, but only entered search strings, the list of recently opened projects etc., and it will reset the display of the four-windows-screen.
Andreas V.

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