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Creating codes and sets

07.05.2018, 14:19

I often need to create many codes before I begin the coding process. It would be nice to have an easy to access dialog to create multiple codes, without returning to the codes pane. (I suspect this is possible by importing codes from a spreadsheet, but I suggest having this as an internal feature, instead.)

And for organizational purposes, I sometimes like to establish sets in advance, as well. It would be great to create sets in the dialog indicated, above. Alternatively, to at least be able to bring all activated codes/sub-codes into a set with a right-click option, would eliminate a lot of tedious click-scroll-drop activities for me.

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra)
Posts: 4
Joined: 13.10.2016, 22:42

Re: Creating codes and sets

07.05.2018, 16:18

Dear EBS,

thank you for your feedback! I'll add your suggestion about a dialogue to our wishlist. In regard to creating multiple codes at once, I believe the fastest way goes like that:

1) Press ALT+CMD+N (in windows: ALT+N) to create a new code and enter a name
2) Press tabulator once (in windows: 2 times) to switch to the Code-Memo-field and enter a description
3) Press tabulator once and Enter to finish

Another way would also be to import your codes and their descriptions (memos) from an excel spreadsheet with 2 respective columns (you can find an entry named accordingly in the "Codes"-section of the menu).

In regard to your second question:

Alternatively, to at least be able to bring all activated codes/sub-codes into a set with a right-click option, would eliminate a lot of tedious click-scroll-drop activities for me.

I'm happy to say this is already possible: When you right-click on the "Sets"-root-entry and select "New Set", all activated codes will be added to this set.
Andreas V.

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