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Import PDF annotations

19.03.2018, 10:53

I frequently read and annotate PDFs (using external software like Preview, PDF Expert, etc.) that I then decide need more detailed coding in MaxQDA.

However, as of MQ 18, MQ does not import PDF annotations. It would be very helpful if these could be imported automatically, converting (e.g.) highlights to the corresponding color code, converting text annotations to memos, etc.

As is, it's a deterrent to using MQ when all existing work annotating a PDF is lost on import.

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra)
Posts: 52
Joined: 01.04.2017, 18:22

Re: Import PDF annotations

20.07.2018, 18:44

I have had a similar issue. I have found a sort of a workaround. If you want to keep the highlights and annotations on import you have to is to flatten the pdfs. That will make the annotations and highlights visible in MAXQDA. You can however not change them. What i do for colour highlighting is then for each one of those codes I have a subcode which has no colour. As an example under the red highlighter code, I have a "Red (no colour)" subcode. I then highlight all the imported annotations again, using this code. The need to do this is a result of the colours otherwise being layered and the text would then become difficult to read if the "colour coded text" option is turned on - that might not be the case for all codes.
Posts: 20
Joined: 15.10.2015, 11:13

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