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Analysing Facebook Data

22.07.2018, 03:48

Hi - I'm interested in using MAXQDA to analyse Facebook comment data. What is the best way to extract the data from FB and get it into MAXQDA for analysis?

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra)
Posts: 20
Joined: 19.07.2018, 00:00

Re: Analysing Facebook Data

23.07.2018, 10:06

Hi Jared,
thanks for your question! It's a difficult one... For larger research projects, I guess the most efficient way would be to write e.g. a python script that pulls the data from facebook and transforms it in a format that is most suited both for working in MAXQDA and in regard to the research question (depending on whether you analyse pages, accounts, metadata etc.)

Since not everyone is able to write python scripts, an easier way would be to use the "MAXQDA Webcollector" to create PDFs of the data you can see in your browser on your facebook page. Then you would have one document for each facebook-website (profiles, activity streams etc.).

Those are the two options that come into mind.. anyone else has an idea maybe?

Kind regards,

Andreas V.

Re: Analysing Facebook Data

20.06.2019, 20:17

Hi !

I am also trying to collect Facebook data and I tried to collect it with MAXQDA Web collector. Unfortunately, the Web collector didn't work with the pages I tried to collect. Did you try the Web collector on Facebook pages and did it work? If you found any solution please let me know, I am interested too!

Best regards,
Posts: 3
Joined: 12.06.2019, 15:17

Re: Analysing Facebook Data

16.08.2021, 04:07

We've used to export comments from Facebook.
Posts: 20
Joined: 19.07.2018, 00:00

Re: Analysing Facebook Data

22.11.2021, 19:00

If it's something you are likely to do repeatedly, it may be worth looking at "Robotoc Process Automation" (RPA) tools like UIPath, BluePrism, or PowerAutomate

With the free version of UIPath, I could pull many pages from some sites by using the webdata tool and showing it the first and last of each field, and if there was a "next page" button, where that was Once it is set up, you can harvest a lot of data in a very elegant way
Posts: 31
Joined: 04.06.2021, 18:50

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