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Coding was easy!

17.01.2018, 02:35

I really like the layout of version 2018 on Mac. It made coding quick and easy. The ability to code Favorites is the best feature!

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra)

My current research:

Toolkit: Bookends, MaxQDA, PDF Expert, IA Writer, MindNode, OmniFocus, SwiftText, DEVONthink, Alfred, and ClipMenu
Posts: 48
Joined: 05.09.2014, 19:08

Re: Coding was easy!

22.01.2018, 15:01

Thanks for your feedback! Hopefully we can also improve the Mac menu in the way you and Derick mentioned (not hiding features in context menus, making them more accessible for customized shortcuts), but as always.. can't really tell you when this will happen.
Andreas V.

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