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Moving segments from document browser broken

09.03.2023, 17:22

I just downloaded the latest update (22.5.0), and it seems to have broken the function that allows me to hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) and move a coded segment in the Document Browser window by dragging it to a new code. "Plain" drag and drop and Ctrl+drag/drop now both do the same thing, which is to Copy the the segment to the new code while still retaining the old code (the word "Copy" hovers as I do either action). (I did test the Ctrl key on my keyboard in other apps and it's working fine). In this version, I have to add the new code and then delete the old code, rather than the more convenient "move" I used to have.

I'm trying to follow "Move from Document Browser" here, which worked perfectly until I downloaded this latest update:

Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Last edited by mparetti on 09.03.2023, 18:11, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2
Joined: 09.03.2023, 16:07

Re: Moving segments from document browser broken

09.03.2023, 18:05

One addition: Holding down Ctrl and dragging from the Overview of Coded Segments window DOES work. It's only Ctrl+Drag from the Document Browser that seems to have broken.
Posts: 2
Joined: 09.03.2023, 16:07

Re: Moving segments from document browser broken

14.03.2023, 13:09


Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Indeed, when pressing Ctrl and dragging a coded segment onto a code, the original segment should be deleted. It seems that this is a bug that I have forwarded to our IT department to thoroughly inspect and fix. A fix for this will very likely be provided with an upcoming update of MAXQDA 2022.

All the best on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
Posts: 15
Joined: 10.02.2022, 13:50

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