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best practice way to organize import data

29.07.2022, 17:14

MAXQDA in Research forum is getting no love :? please I need a little help

I've watched many videos and read the many topics and need to know if I'm on the right track so I do it right the 1st time.... So I am doing a qualitative descriptive study with 2 sources, interview questions and survey data.

I've already got my interview data in MAXQDA and I'm about to add my survey data from survey monkey into the same code system. This survey data was supplied by the same persons that supplied the interview data so I probably will need to link it somehow to each person's interview data. Also, I'm wondering should I categorize the interview data 1st, and then add in the survey data and code (line by line) the same way that I did the interview data. I suppose I'd need to be able to look at the survey data separately as well as combined with the interview data, so wondering should I open a whole separate code system to analyze survey data separately or combine it with the interview data?

Please see my other question on the coding system, in the MAXQDA research forum if you think you could offer a viewpoint. thanks

Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Posts: 6
Joined: 31.03.2021, 06:49

Re: best practice way to organize import data

04.08.2022, 14:28

Dear ccvv,

Thank you for posting in our online forum.

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All the best on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
Posts: 12
Joined: 06.05.2022, 09:32

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