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Cannot join the teamcloud in the software

27.07.2022, 15:45

I have create my account and joined the teamcloud on the website, but my software does not show the team project. It only shows My Projects. I am using in mainland China, and using a VPN to get access to, etc.
Does VPN affect teamcloud? Or is it my account's problem?

Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Posts: 1
Joined: 27.07.2022, 10:57

Re: Cannot join the teamcloud in the software

28.07.2022, 14:42

Dear Alina,

Thank you for contacting us. We wrote you an email via our ticketing system regarding the issue.

All the best on behalf of the MAXQDA team,
Posts: 15
Joined: 10.02.2022, 13:50

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