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Importing document memos

22.06.2022, 19:58

Is there an elegant way to import and append or replace document memos?

Scenario: I have existing documents in a project, with existing document memos containing manually entered data. A second researcher has a list of those document names in a spreadsheet, and a column in which they have made observations. Can I import their list in a way that the observations are appended to or replace the existing document memos in the project?


Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Posts: 31
Joined: 04.06.2021, 18:50

Re: Importing document memos

27.06.2022, 09:27

Hi Matthew,

Thank you for posting here. Unfortunately, it is not (yet) possible to import document memos from an Excel spreadsheet and attach the data from here to already existing memos.

But we have forwarded this to our development team who will look into possible solutions. You can also submit feature requests directly to our development team via the following website:

Kind regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
MAXQDA support team
Posts: 90
Joined: 27.11.2019, 11:44

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