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Mendeley import

19.06.2022, 23:56

Why would the import attachments be grayed out? I have files in the Mendeley reference manager

Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Posts: 6
Joined: 02.08.2021, 20:45

Re: Mendeley import

27.06.2022, 09:23

Hi KACarter,

Thank you for posting here. Please make sure that the exported .ris file also contains the attachments. Here in our online manual you can read more about importing bibliographic data to MAXQDA:

If the .ris file does contain the attachments, but the import is still not possible, would it be possible to contact our support team directly and send them the .ris file you are trying to import as well? Our team will then gladly analyze the file and check for the attachments. You can contact our support team directly via the following contact form:

Kind regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
MAXQDA support team
Posts: 90
Joined: 27.11.2019, 11:44

Re: Mendeley import

15.07.2022, 14:52

Thank you. This was very helpful.
Posts: 6
Joined: 02.08.2021, 20:45

Re: Mendeley import

18.01.2023, 02:44

I have a somewhat related question. I had the same problem with a Mendeley import...the attachments option was greyed out. But I looked at Mendeley and it seems to be the case that it won't export the attachments, only the references.

I can add the attachments into MAXQDA myself but wondered if there is a way for me to link them with the references? I don't know that that is something I really need to do but I thought it would be nice if I could. From what I can see in the MAXQDA documentation, the only way to create a link is if the attachment is imported with the references file and then a link is automatically created.
Posts: 1
Joined: 14.01.2023, 22:27

Re: Mendeley import

07.02.2023, 11:17


Yes, there is a way to create internal links in MAXQDA yourself! Simply highlight the segment that you would like to create a link to and select "Insert Internal Link". Now, you can open the other part of your project file, for example, the references to which you would like to link, highlight another segment and select "Insert Internal Link" again. The two segments will then be linked. Further information on this can be found in our online manual here:

We hope this helps!

All the best on behalf of the MAXQDA team,

Posts: 15
Joined: 10.02.2022, 13:50

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