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Image Coding Usability Issues

14.04.2022, 19:32

1. I should be able to select a code by clicking it in the document, instead I can only select it by clicking on it's label in the left margin. Because these labs are shifted this is difficult to do.
2. When I add a new code to a segment I should be able to navigate the code list using the arrow keys. Right now I need to select the segment on the right with my mouse, type the name of the code, then click on the new code with my mouse. Then if I want to add another code to the same segment I need to find the new label on the left (which is very small) instead of clicking on the segment on the right (which is very large). When I add the new code I need to once again move my mouse to the right and carefully click the new code in the add-new-code dropdown. Over the course of a standard coding session I may add hundreds of codes and the tiny targets and significant distances I need to move the mouse make adding codes in mx2022 awful for context on why this sucks see FITTS LAW'%20law%20states%20that%20the,size%2C%20the%20longer%20it%20takes.

3. When I resize a segment with multiple codes, the segment only resizes for one of the attached codes. I cannot select multiple segments to resize.

software is great but please focus on some of these usability issues. it seems like anyone doing significant amounts of image coding would run into these immediately.

Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Mac OS X 12.x (Monterey)
Posts: 1
Joined: 28.11.2021, 21:06

Re: Image Coding Usability Issues

20.04.2022, 15:46

Dear Ismurray,

Thank you for posting here and for your feedback. We will gladly forward your points to our development team as feature requests.

And we have a small hint regarding adding new codes that hopefully helps a little. Instead of adding a new code via the icon, you can also add a new code via shortcut: Alt+W (Windows) or ⌘+⌥+W (macOS). Then the window for a new code opens where you can directly add the name for the new code that is then applied to the marked segment.

Maybe it also helps for your coding process to hide the document system. This way, you can display the code system in the same length as the document browser and maybe this simplifies navigating trough your code system.

Thank you again for your insights on image coding and kind regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
MAXQDA support team
Posts: 90
Joined: 27.11.2019, 11:44

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