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Regular Expressions

03.02.2022, 01:30

I'm playing with regular expressions and would like to be able to use a and operator in a single search item for example all documents that contain the word "happy" and "dog". I have tried this syntax (?=.happy) (? but it doesn't work. I know it is possible to use the And operator in the text search but being able to use regular expression would mean we can create and save one complicated search query rather than have to build multiple queries.

Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Posts: 20
Joined: 19.07.2018, 00:00

Re: Regular Expressions

04.02.2022, 15:30


Thank you for your questions.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to combine regular expressions in this way in one search field. This is also because you would need to specify the context of the AND search (document, paragraph, sentence) and this is done via the menu. You can use the AND operator of the text search instead.

However, you can save your complex search and open it later again by using "open" and "save" at the bottom of the text search window.

I hope this helps! Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Andreas M.
Posts: 72
Joined: 21.02.2020, 14:02

Re: Regular Expressions

08.02.2022, 00:00

Thanks Andreas
Posts: 20
Joined: 19.07.2018, 00:00

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