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Importing/Merging Files Breaks Code Names

08.05.2021, 04:24

When importing or merging files, the code names created by Coder 2 are "breaking" and are renamed according to the document in Coder 2's file. Is this a glitch or is there a solution? I'm on 20.4.0 and Windows 10.


[attachment=0]Code Names.PNG[/attachment]

Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Code Names.PNG
Code Names.PNG (104.98 KiB) Viewed 16251 times
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Joined: 07.03.2021, 23:11

Re: Importing/Merging Files Breaks Code Names

10.05.2021, 08:18

Hi DJacques,

Thank you for posting here. Let me forward this issue to our testers and get back to you. They will confirm if it is a glitch or project-bound error.

Thank you for the patience!

MAXQDA Support Team
Posts: 90
Joined: 19.07.2019, 09:48

Re: Importing/Merging Files Breaks Code Names

10.05.2021, 13:03

Hi again DJacques!

Our testers were unable to reproduce the error. Would it be possible to send us your project file and the support file from your computer (? > Export Support File) for further troubleshooting? You can send us a ticket via

With best regards

MAXQDA Support Team
Posts: 90
Joined: 19.07.2019, 09:48

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