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Export document with memo text

25.03.2021, 15:42

Looking at ways to share information with people outside the research team. I want to share the document text and memos with someone that doesn't have MAXQDA.

The easiest seems to be right-click document > Export Document, and then select "Display Coded Segments" and "Display Memos", however, the memo shows up as just an icon, rather than the memo text - which is not as useful in this case.

Is there an elegant way to share the document with memo text and code comments visible?

I guess a fallback is to share project file and tell them to use MAXQDA reader, but this seems like a lot of work for them.


Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Posts: 127
Joined: 28.02.2014, 19:38
Location: Washington DC & Denver Colorado

Re: Export document with memo text

29.03.2021, 08:37

Dear Matthew,

Thank you for posting here! Unfortunately, it is not (yet) possible to export documents with the memo content. But you can of course export the memo content of your (in-document) memos via the memo manager in addition to your documents. And we will gladly forward this as a feature request to our development team who will look further into it for future developments!

Kind regards on behalf of MAXQDA,
MAXQDA support team
Posts: 90
Joined: 27.11.2019, 11:44

Re: Export document with memo text

29.03.2021, 23:53

Thanks Maren, yes please add that as an enhancement request.
Posts: 127
Joined: 28.02.2014, 19:38
Location: Washington DC & Denver Colorado

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