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Should I inform my license number to the journals?

Moderator: srueger

Should I inform my license number to the journals?

28.12.2020, 12:22

Which information should I add on a paper written with the support of MAXQDA? Do I need to inform the journal my license number, even though it'll be publicly exposed?

Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Posts: 4
Joined: 27.12.2020, 01:08

Re: Should I inform my license number to the journals?

29.12.2020, 11:43

Thank you for posting here. We do not usually require our users to specifically reference MAXQDA, but if you wish, you can indicate which software version you used (e.g. MAXQDA 2020). And please do not share your license information with others for security reasons. The journals cannot require you to share this information either.

Best of luck with your publication! Please let us know once it has been published - we're eager to know more about your research with MAXQDA.

Best regards,

Posts: 90
Joined: 19.07.2019, 09:48

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