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No update reflected on Quantitative Content Analysis

Moderator: srueger

No update reflected on Quantitative Content Analysis

25.09.2020, 20:38

Hi all,

Before posting this question, I tried to search similar topic, but I can't find any. So I hope anyone can enlight me a bit.

So I mainly use the dictionary-based content analysis of MAXDictio for my research. I have pre-defined dictionay and auto-coded all the documents. To make sure that each coded segment correctly correspond to that category, I have to manually check each segment. So I have to delete inappropriately coded ones (according to their context) and possibly add some new ones. But I found that after I deleted some segments, no update was reflected on the code frequecy generated by Quantitative Content Analysis. That is, I generated the code frequecy table before and after my manual checking, no difference was found between the two tables. Do you know why? or Do you have any workarounds?

Thanks in advance!


Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra)
Posts: 15
Joined: 17.02.2020, 23:11

Re: No update reflected on Quantitative Content Analysis

28.09.2020, 10:42

Hi Gang,

Thanks for the question! Indeed, that is to be expected: the "Quantitative Content Analysis"-feature does not reflect (the frequency of) coded segments, but the word frequencies that are found directly by this feature. To analyze the coded segments themselves, I'd recommend using the "Crosstab"-feature in the "Mixed Methods"-section (here you must use the "Document Variables" "document name" or "document group" to select your "units of analysis").

I hope this helps! If not, or in case of any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Andreas V.

Re: No update reflected on Quantitative Content Analysis

29.09.2020, 20:45

Hi, Andreas

Thanks for your reply! I tried your suggestion and used Crosstab"-feature in the "Mixed Methods"-section, but it is not efficient because my unit of analysis is individual document. I have 110 documents so that means I need to create 110 logical conditions (formulas)! Fortunately, I found another workaround: "Compare Cases & Groups" in the "Analysis" section. Here is what looks like

Although the best view should be like the one generated by Qunatitative Content Analysis:

The different view of these two table lies in that their columns and rows are reversed. But this is ok, because I can use Excel to convert the first table later to make it look like the second table.

Now, I encountered another similar issue: no frequency update reflected on "Word Frequencies (Only Words from Dictionary)" after I deleted certain coded segments. I wanted to obtain the final frequency (after manual checking) of each item from the pre-defined dictionary.

Do you happen to know any workaround? Thanks a million! This is my thesis project. If I can solve this issue, my work should be much easier.

Posts: 15
Joined: 17.02.2020, 23:11

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