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focus group convert text

28.08.2020, 12:06

I've had to import a focus group as a regular text because for some reason MAXQDA is not successfully completing the import of the Word document when I try to import as a focus group (I've tried importing via several formats).

However, now that I've got it imported, I'm trying to 'convert text to focus group' and nothing is happening here, either.

It's like it's insisting on not being a focus group! I would really be able to code the speakers.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Posts: 6
Joined: 17.02.2020, 12:58

Re: focus group convert text

28.08.2020, 12:55


If you have tried to import your focus group transcript in several formats (DOCX, RTF?) and MAXQDA still doesn't import it, and on top of that, you cannot transform the transcript as a focus group, then it may have to do with the way the transcript was formatted. Do you have have a colon behind the speaker's name? Does each speech contribution start with a new paragraph? If positive, then the text file might be corrupted. In any case, this is the case for our online support team. If you wish you can issue a ticket and send us your transcript (or part of it) for troubleshooting.

Here is the link to the online support:

With best regards,

Posts: 90
Joined: 19.07.2019, 09:48

Re: focus group convert text

28.08.2020, 13:01

Thank you! Actually, the suggestion to convert the Word doc to an RTF has worked, and the file now imports correctly as a Focus Group UNLESS I try to connect a media file to it... then nothing happens. But that may also be a tech issue, just a slightly different one, so I'll raise a ticket.
Posts: 6
Joined: 17.02.2020, 12:58

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