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Pasting from document browser - trace text

18.05.2020, 20:00

When pasting a text segment from the document browser pane to a Word document, the pasted text includes metadata. The metadata contains segment information such as the title of the document, and the location of the start and end of the segment.

In most cases, when I paste text segments, the document group name precedes the other metadata, but in some cases, the document group name is not included.

Does anyone have an idea what mediates whether the document group is included or not?

Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Posts: 127
Joined: 28.02.2014, 19:38
Location: Washington DC & Denver Colorado

Re: Pasting from document browser - trace text

27.05.2020, 10:15


I guess I know why it happens so. There are at least two options to retrieve a text passage from a MAXQDA document to Word: (1) the Retrieved Segments Window and (2) directly from the Document Browser. When you retrieve a passage via option (1), you get the document group in the source data (or metadata, as you named it). Correspondingly, option (2) gives out only the document name and position. Please check the below test results for comparison:

Option 1: Retrieved Segments > Select a segment > Right-click and select “Copy Segment with Source Information to Clipboard” > Paste it in Word


R: I feel okay about my home life. I get along pretty well with my parents and sister. We don't fight very often and they are very supportive in anything that I choose to do. However, I feel like they treat me like a child and, since I am 19, do not appreciate this very much. So, whenever I go home I hold some resentment toward my parents. (Interviews New York\Max: 8 - 8) => (Document group\Document name: position)

Option 2: Document Browser > Select and copy a text passage manually > Paste in in Word


R: I feel okay about my home life. I get along pretty well with my parents and sister. We don't fight very often and they are very supportive in anything that I choose to do. However, I feel like they treat me like a child and, since I am 19, do not appreciate this very much. So, whenever I go home I hold some resentment toward my parents. (Max, Pos. 8) => (Document name, position)

Is it what you are asking?

Best regards,

Posts: 90
Joined: 19.07.2019, 09:48

Re: Pasting from document browser - trace text

27.05.2020, 15:04

I am seeing this when copying from the document browser, and I think I now know when this is happening. There are two methods for copying text from the document browser, and they have slightly different results.

#1. Copy by right-clicking the highlighted text in the document browser, and selecting "Copy" results in the document name and text position
#2. Copy by right-clicking any code for that text segment, and selecting "Copy segment with source information to clipboard" results in document group + document title + text position

Method #1:
At least 40 law enforcement agencies across the country have used drones in the past few months for coronavirus- related purposes.
(Did That Drone Just Tell Us to Stay 6 Feet Apart_ - Nextgov, P. 0: 596)

Method #2
At least 40 law enforcement agencies across the country have used drones in the past few months for coronavirus- related purposes.
(Week 21 2020\Did That Drone Just Tell Us to Stay 6 Feet Apart_ - Nextgov: 1: 596 - 1: 727)
Posts: 127
Joined: 28.02.2014, 19:38
Location: Washington DC & Denver Colorado

Re: Pasting from document browser - trace text

29.05.2020, 06:53

MAXQDA is so complex and offers so many ways to get things done :D I just put this in my personal knowledge bank.

All the best,

Posts: 90
Joined: 19.07.2019, 09:48

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