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Can't read REFI-QDA export (.qdpx) with other programmes

Moderator: srueger

Can't read REFI-QDA export (.qdpx) with other programmes

21.01.2020, 12:14

I just recently started a project and a crucial point for any software I use is interoperability/portability of my data. So I was very happy to read about the REFI-QDA standard for exporting (
However, I tried to export my project under Start --> Save project as (as described here:
However, when I tried to open the file with a text editor (Atom) it only shows jibberish. I also can't import the file into R (I managed to import other xml-files successfully). From my understanding, as the .qdpx files are also supposedly xml-files, I should be able to open and read them with my editor and R.
If this doesn't work, I'm afraid I'll have to use another software for my research.
Any help with this is highly appreciated.
I'm using MAXQDA Plus 2018, Release 18.2.3

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Windows 10

Re: Can't read REFI-QDA export (.qdpx) with other programmes

27.01.2020, 12:41

Dear SHilser,

Thanks for this very interesting question! The reason why any ".qdpx"-files (not only those exported from MAXQDA) show gibberish when being opened in a text editor has to do with them being zipped. To unzip the file, you'll first have to add a ".zip" behind the ".qdpx"-file ending. Afterward, you can unzip the file into a new folder. There, you will find a "project.qde" which you can open in your text editor program.

We hope this helps! If not, or in case of any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Andreas Veltens
Andreas V.

Re: Can't read REFI-QDA export (.qdpx) with other programmes

01.02.2020, 09:47

Dear Andreas,
thanks for the helpful reply.

The reason why any '.qdpx'-files (not only those exported from MAXQDA) show gibberish when being opened in a text editor has to do with them being zipped. To unzip the file, you'll first have to add a '.zip' behind the '.qdpx'-file ending. Afterward, you can unzip the file into a new folder. There, you will find a 'project.qde' which you can open in your text editor program.

I think it would be great, if you could add that information above to your Manual on Exporting and Importing REFI-QDA Projects for other users to find it.

Best, Stefan
Posts: 2
Joined: 29.01.2020, 00:54

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