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Multiple data types - quantification

10.06.2021, 15:55


I have multiple data types - interviews, diaries, photos. They are in separate document sets. Some themes are found in all three types of data, and participants may have mentioned a theme in only one or all document.

I want to quantify how many participants mentioned a theme in all the different documents. How do I do that without counting the same participant two or three times? If they mentioned a theme in more than one document, I only want it to count as one mention). I also don't want to combine all the documents into one (they are different formats).


Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Posts: 4
Joined: 09.06.2021, 23:03

Re: Multiple data types - quantification

11.06.2021, 08:53


thank you for this interesting question!

Thank you for contacting us with this interesting question!

Here is a solution that you can try:
- Create one Document Set for each participant
- Add all documents to this Document Set
- Use the Code Matrix Browser and select "Set" under Column
- Now use the display option "Binarize view" (the 0-1 icon)
- Make sure that also the SUMs are displayed

Now it should be easy to tell based on the sums how many people (Sets) mentioned one category.

I hope this helps! Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Andreas M.
Posts: 72
Joined: 21.02.2020, 14:02

Re: Multiple data types - quantification

14.06.2021, 19:26

Thanks! I'll give this a try.

I have 100 participants and the documents are already in separate document groups. Any tips for quickly creating 100 document sets? :)
Posts: 4
Joined: 09.06.2021, 23:03

Re: Multiple data types - quantification

18.06.2021, 10:24


If you have one document group per participant you can also use "group" as the column instead.

For quickly creating several sets it would probably be fastest with "Activate document via variable". In the menu you have the option "New Set" which allows you to quickly create sets without having to close the window.

Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Andreas M.
Posts: 72
Joined: 21.02.2020, 14:02

Re: Multiple data types - quantification

16.08.2022, 20:15

Can we do the same thing but with variables? In other words, can I activate a document set (not just one document, but all documents, videos, photos associated with a participant) by variables (survey responses)? Thanks :D
Posts: 4
Joined: 09.06.2021, 23:03

Re: Multiple data types - quantification

16.10.2022, 12:34


It is critical to adapt your coding strategy to fit your analytical needs at the beginning coding phase.

If your data consists various types of data/document and your cases spread across those documents, then you would need case codes and coding each relevant section with corresponding case code.

Please note that a document variable will represent a value for the whole document. However from what I understand a single document in your data might include data for multiple cases. Thus, document variables can not provide what you want.

Let's say you have 10 cases. You performed an interview with each participant and imported interview transcriptions as interview documents. Moreover you also have newspaper data that you converted to PDF format and imported as 150 separate PDF files.

PDF 34 contains data for Case 01 and Case 07 while PDF 85 contains data for Case 02, Case 04, and Case09.

To get what you want:

1) Activate all codes except your case codes.
2) Open Code Relations Browser
3) For Rows select activated codes
4) For Columns select your 10 case codes
5) Keep type of analysis as "intersection of codes"
6) Click OK
7) On results click "SUM" and "Binarize view" buttons
8) SUM column will show you the total number of cases represented in each theme on rows

I hope this would be helpful,

Can Arik, Ph.D.
Posts: 1
Joined: 06.10.2022, 20:22

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