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Fixing file that was corrupted due to cloud syncing?

Moderator: srueger

Fixing file that was corrupted due to cloud syncing?

22.04.2020, 09:01

my file has been having many errors, slowing-down, jamming, crashing, deleting text, shifting codes off from their right place, and so on.

MaxQDA forum admins say that the reason must be that i used to open the file from a synced Dropbox folder, thus corrupting the file.

is such damage to the file permanent or can it be fixed or alleviated?

thank you.

Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Posts: 17
Joined: 08.07.2015, 16:41

Re: Fixing file that was corrupted due to cloud syncing?

22.04.2020, 20:07


We strongly recommend against opening MAXQDA projects from external resources like a network drive, USB flash drive, external hard drive or any cloud synchronized folder. Any interruption of the connection between MAXQDA and your project file due to poor Internet or network connection may lead to certain problems with your databank structure. It is a rare problem - but it may happen. More about secure ways of storing data is available here

If you can still open your project file, we suggest that you set up a new database structure for your project file by following these steps:

0) Open the MAXQDA project you want to create a new database for
1) Go to the "Home"-tab and select "Teamwork -> Export Teamwork: Export Data to Exchange File"
2) Select "Teamwork -> Import Teamwork: Import Data from Exchange File", and open the .mex-file you have just exported


1) Create a new project file and save it on your local hard drive (e.g. your desktop)
2) Go to the "Home"-tab, and select "Merge projects" (all the way to the right)
3) Select your existing project file and merge them

This will reinitialize the database structure of your project file. If this doesn't help, we would need to ask our expert for databases to do it manually, but for this we need your project file. If you are not allowed to share your data with the third party, let the support team know about it and it will provide you a special repair tool that may help you restore your data.

Should you have further questions or issues, you're welcome to contact us via

Best regards on behalf of MAXQDA support team,

Posts: 90
Joined: 19.07.2019, 09:48

Re: Fixing file that was corrupted due to cloud syncing?

27.04.2020, 13:03

Thank you very much.

Doing that helped considerably -- it made the software run noticeably faster, although some problems and slowness remained.

Thank you!
Posts: 17
Joined: 08.07.2015, 16:41

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