Document Variables, Webcollector, and Bibliography

Moderator: srueger

Document Variables, Webcollector, and Bibliography

14.11.2018, 17:15

I feel like MAXQDA has three things that could be tied together in a really wonderful way.

At present, WebCollector, Bibliography, and the Document System are not really integrated, but could be in a way that would make document reporting really amazing - allow us to have document variables for all bibliographic fields, and to autopopulate through Webcollector.

When importing from Webcollector, the title, url, and collection date are already collected, but could be automatically assigned to document variables rather than just as a memo. Likewise, the time of collection is a good time to capture additional fields, maybe by using keywords.

For example if the memo line starts with AU=, it could take the rest of the line as author, etc.
This could populate an author variable in the document. An "export bibliography" function in MAXQDA could then generate the bibliography from these document variables

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Windows 10
Posts: 127
Joined: 28.02.2014, 19:38
Location: Washington DC & Denver Colorado

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