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Exporting Codings in Format usable in other software

06.11.2017, 09:37

Hello everyone,

so I am by no means an expert in MaxQDA, but have played around with this a bit and can't really figure it out.
So what we have is a large survey, mostly with quantitative answers and some free-form fields. We imported the free-form text into MaxQDA and coded them there, that works great of course. And we are doing most of the other statistical analysis in R / SPSS. Now we wanted to move some information back, but can't figure out how.

Our Problem is this: When we export all the codings we get a spreadsheet with every document (respondent in our case) present multiple times, once per code used in that document. However our other data has only one line per respondent. So what we would need is some way to export a table, that, for each document, just tells us which codes were used. Weights, the actual text segment and all the other info included in the regular export is not relevant for us.
This would allow us to analyse which of our variables correlate with the presence of which codes. It seems that in principle crosstabs will let me do that within MaxQDA if I import all my variables, but I don't have the same options there that R or SPSS give me.

I hope my question comes across clearly and there is a solution to what we are trying to do. Manual transfer is on the table right now, but really this might lead to us just doing a (much less detailed) qualitative Analysis outside of MaxQDA.



Version: MAXQDA 12
System: Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)
Posts: 1
Joined: 06.11.2017, 09:22

Re: Exporting Codings in Format usable in other software

06.11.2017, 14:05

Hello H.,

thanks for your question, and welcome to the MAXQDA forum! I believe the most promising way to further process your data would be to transform the relevant codes into document variables. There are two basic ways to transform a code into a document variable:

- You can either use the frequency of a code as an integer variable (showing for every document the frequency of the respective code)
- Or you can select a parent code as a categorical document variable, which means that the subcode of that parent code that occurs the most frequently in the document in question will be set as the variable value (text variable)

Using option #1 should allow the most freedom in regard to further processing your data. You can watch and read more about document variables (and how to export them) here:

And here: ... maxqda.htm

I hope this helps! Otherwise, don't hesitate to ask us again.

Kind regards,

Andreas V.

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