Increase length of codes in Code System

03.01.2018, 09:13

I am coding sections of an interview that refer back to my interview questions. I have written out the questions in full as a code, but it gets cut off in the Code System. It wasn't clear that when I did the coding sheet upload that there was character limit. Even when I expand the Code System to the right, the codes are just cut off, even if I undock the window.

Version: MAXQDA 2018
System: Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra)

My current research:

Toolkit: Bookends, MaxQDA, PDF Expert, IA Writer, MindNode, OmniFocus, SwiftText, DEVONthink, Alfred, and ClipMenu
Posts: 48
Joined: 05.09.2014, 19:08

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