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Analysing parliamentary speeches MAXQDA

16.05.2023, 09:18

Hello everyone,

I want to do a framing analysis of parliamentary speeches in MAXQDA using the mixed-method function, accounting for differences and similarities of addressed subjects a) over time, b)according to political faction c) according to nationality . However, I am not sure, if it is possible to analyse my data the way I want to in MAXQDA Standard (or Pro). The main challenge I am facing, is that I want my coded segments (here, the different speeches in one document) to be the relevant unit of analysis and not my documents. In my data set one document is one parliamentary debate (comprised of various parliamentary speeches).

My idea was to code parliamentary speeches in the documents attributing variables (nationality/parliamentary group) and code the positionality of the speaker with regards to a specific debated subject. I then want to calculate the correlation of framing and positionality with nationality and political faction to see whether nationality/political groups have explanatory power regarding the framing of the debated question.

I first thought I could treat the parliamentary debate documents as a transcript of a focus group. However, the speakers names in my pdfs are not in bold letters with a colon, as MAXQDA requires in order to deduct the speakers of a text. Is it somehow possible to manually attribute a coded segment to a speaker which MAXQDA then recognizes as such?

Or is there any onther way to make one speech of one member of parliament my unit of analysis?

I would be grateful for any help on this matter.

Thank you in advance.

All the best,


Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Marie M.
Posts: 1
Joined: 12.05.2023, 16:29

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