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Non-traditional uses of MAXQDA

27.05.2020, 19:00

I am curious if anyone else has used MAXQDA for a purpose that is a little out of the ordinary

I found MAXQDA to be a wonderful tool for comparing resumes for awarding a grant. Instead of printing out resumes or trying to juggle multiple pdfs or Word documents of applicants for a research grant, I pulled them all into MAXQDA, and then created a code system for the selection criteria. Using a combination of code weight and lexical search, I could output a spreadsheet with each applicant and the criteria they matched and a weight of how well I thought they met it.

This shortened my review time by many hours, and my spreadsheet output was far more usable by the charity president than previous responses, and made the final decision far easier and better validated.

A second use to which I put MAXQDA was in evaluating multiple budget proposals. Using a combination of preconceived criteria, and grounded theory, I could code the proposals in terms of how well they met the established criteria, and created a few new criteria based on unexpected benefits or issues I saw as I read them. Again, this provided me with a far more documented decision process and traceability than before, and reduced the time it took me to perform the budget review.

Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Posts: 127
Joined: 28.02.2014, 19:38
Location: Washington DC & Denver Colorado

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