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Manual transcription : loosing all my work in an instant

Moderator: srueger

Manual transcription : loosing all my work in an instant

22.03.2024, 18:12


Right now, I'm using MaxQDA for manual transcription of an audio file.

And l have lost all my transcription at least 5 times the same way (on 2 different PC computers) :
    - It occurs while I am writing in the text
    - All the previous text is deleted, with its timestamps and codes
    - There was no usual warning "you're going to delete timestamps and codes" (which is still activated)
    - Using CTRL Z does not do anything

I am quite new at using MaxQDA (10 hours or so), but I have read all the manuals, FAQ and saw many videos.

The manual transcription functionnalities and shortcuts are already quite tedious. I hope someone here has a solution to this problem, otherwise I just can't use MaxQDA for my intended transcription use.

Version: MAXQDA 24
System: Windows 10
Posts: 2
Joined: 16.08.2023, 10:52

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