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Can't open .mex22 file

05.02.2024, 15:44

Dear collegues,

I wanted to export my project to my collegue to check segments that have been coded. She tells me that it's an read-only file and she's not able to edit this .mex22 file.

Could someone help us with this?

Thank you in advance!

Version: MAXQDA 24
System: Windows 11
Posts: 1
Joined: 25.08.2023, 12:07

Re: Can't open .mex22 file

13.02.2024, 10:51


Thank you for your question. If a MAXQDA comes up as "read only" the problem usually does not lie with the file or the software but with the folder where it is opened from. A common cause of this is the following: Someone downloads an attachment (e.g. from Outlook) and then chooses "Open" instead of "Save". In this case, Outlook stores the "opened" file in a temporary folder that is read only. For this reason, it is important to always "Save" MAXQDA project files. Do not pick the "open" action when prompted to do so.

Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Wolfgang Meyer
Posts: 28
Joined: 21.08.2023, 08:33

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