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how do i apply code structure in MaxMaps in my code system?

Moderator: srueger

how do i apply code structure in MaxMaps in my code system?

04.02.2024, 20:28

when i'm in creative coding, it happened twice now that i accidentally pressed 'escape' and lost all the codes i was reorganising. The work i did is still visible in MaxMaps, but the main reason i was reorganising these codes was to apply them to my code system and I have not figured out if it is possible to apply this reorganisation to my code system from MaxMap.
I was thus wondering if anyone has any ideas how i can recover the work i was doing in creative coding? I will of course try to avoid pressing 'escape', but it is quite a nuclear button to lose all your work with, so some back-up system would be nice.

Version: MAXQDA 24
System: Windows 11
Posts: 2
Joined: 17.01.2024, 19:17

Re: how do i apply code structure in MaxMaps in my code syst

06.02.2024, 10:49


Thank you for your question! When you close Creative Coding a message comes up that asks you whether you want to apply the current changes to the code system. If you answer this question with "no", the changes are discarded and the code system is only saved as a MAXMap. Unfortunately, it is not possible o apply any changes from MAXMaps directly to the Code System.

I hope this helps! Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Wolfgang Meyer
Posts: 28
Joined: 21.08.2023, 08:33

Re: how do i apply code structure in MaxMaps in my code syst

21.03.2024, 14:28

hello Wolfgang, thank you for your answer. For your information; when pressing ESC, the dialog box does not pop up (at least in my case). Would be great if your team could fix this.
Posts: 2
Joined: 17.01.2024, 19:17

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