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Cannot access audio file even after user interface reset

Moderator: srueger

Cannot access audio file even after user interface reset

24.01.2024, 14:24

I have been using MAXQDA (2022 student version) for about 6 months with no issues. A few days ago I tried to listen to an audio file and got an error message that said that MAXQDA could not access my media file. I tried to listen to a my other files and it said the same error message for all but 3 of my files. I reset the user interface settings about 5 times and no changes. I have my project backed up on an external drive which I also tested with the same result. I deleted one audio file and re-entered it into MAXQDA and it worked, but that meant I lost my transcribed and coded file. I do not want to have to re-do all of my work. Please let me know what I can do!

Version: MAXQDA 24
System: Windows 11
Posts: 3
Joined: 23.01.2024, 19:47

Re: Cannot access audio file even after user interface reset

26.01.2024, 16:16

Thank you for your question. All your audio files are stored in the folder for external files. It seems likely, that the folder has changed, the project file was moved or the files are not accessible for some other reason. Please check your folder for external documents (you can find the link in the settings) and see if the audio files are available there.

You can read more about external files here in the manual:

In any case, there should be no reason to re-do your work. You just need to re-connect the transcript to the correct audio files again.

I hope this helps! In case of any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Wolfgang Meyer
Posts: 28
Joined: 21.08.2023, 08:33

Re: Cannot access audio file even after user interface reset

26.01.2024, 20:08

Thank you SO MUCH, that worked!
Posts: 3
Joined: 23.01.2024, 19:47

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