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Keyboard shortcut to open the ‘Open Coding Mode’ window?

Moderator: srueger

Keyboard shortcut to open the ‘Open Coding Mode’ window?

04.09.2023, 18:32

I would love to find a keyboard shortcut to open the ‘Open Coding Mode’ window. Please, tell me there is one? I just switched from NVIVO because it had too many bugs and I am loving MAXQDA; However, I am coding a large dissertation project and often times I want to code the same segment with multiple codes, because they’ll be useful for different chapters. It is considerably slower, and very frustrating to have to use the mouse to either drag and drop codes, or to click out of the highlighted section and then highlight it again so the ‘Open Coding Mode’ window pops back up. With NVIVO, I could open it again immediately with ‘command + /’ and I am missing that function terribly. I partially solved the problem by assigning shortcuts to the most used codes, but with a limit of 9, that is not really a solution for me… Any tips on other ways to speed up the coding of the same segment with multiple codes would be much appreciated…. Thanks!
PS: The Operating system does not show me Ventura 13.5.1, which is what I actually have.

Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Mac OS X 12.x (Monterey)
Posts: 1
Joined: 01.09.2023, 17:29

Re: Keyboard shortcut to open the ‘Open Coding Mode’ window?

08.09.2023, 12:11


Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, there is no shortcut for the Open Coding window. However, the "Code with new Code" window is very similar to it. You can also enter the name of an existing code and apply it. You can try if this helps you to achieve the same. For "Code with New Code" just press the Option + Command + W key.

We gladly take note of your feedback that you would wish such a short cut and better support for applying multiple codes via shortcuts.

I hope this helps! In case of any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,

Wolfgang Meyer
Posts: 28
Joined: 21.08.2023, 08:33

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