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Bug? VTT transcript fails to import in certain circumstances

Moderator: srueger

Bug? VTT transcript fails to import in certain circumstances

31.05.2023, 19:07


Each of my participants has survey data, video data, and a transcript.

If I import the video and then add the transcript to it, the VTT transcript files import properly.

But if I import the survey data, and then import the video by right clicking on the documents generated for each participant from the survey data, and then import the transcript by right clicking again, it seems to think the transcript is blank.

If the system allows us to import a transcript for a video in this way, then it should work properly. So, my feeling is that this is a bug.

Having said that, I'd just like to know how I'm supposed to be associating multiple documents with the same participant. Should I be using a variable? Document set? I know in some CAQDAS software, the participant is a first-class object, but that doesn't seem to be the case in MaxQDA unless I'm missing something...



Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Mac OS X 12.x (Monterey)
Posts: 2
Joined: 31.05.2023, 02:46

Re: Bug? VTT transcript fails to import in certain circumsta

09.06.2023, 14:23

Dear Miriam,

Thank you for your questions!

"But if I import the survey data, and then import the video by right clicking on the documents generated for each participant from the survey data, and then import the transcript by right clicking again, it seems to think the transcript is blank."

Have you tried right clicking on the video in the Document System and then selecting "Import Existing Transcript". Does that work for you?

Regarding the participants: In MAXQDA you would use Document Variables, like a variable "Participant ID" to easily analyse all data that relates to one participant. Alternatively, you could create Document Groups / Document Sets for each participant.

I hope this helps!

Andreas M.
Posts: 72
Joined: 21.02.2020, 14:02

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