Child code format in coding output

03.11.2022, 13:26

I am working with a team (we all have individual licenses). We created one master Project with the codebook and documents and then shared with all team members.

When I output segments or export a codebook, my child codes appear in this format: Effectiveness>Referrals. My colleagues output looks like this: Effectiveness\Referrals.

We are able to merge project and the two codes merge together as one, but I would like our output to also look the same. I am wondering if I inadvertently changed a setting or preference.


Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Posts: 1
Joined: 02.11.2022, 23:08

Re: Child code format in coding output

04.11.2022, 12:21

Dear Lauren,

Thank you for reaching out!

Would it be possible for you to contact our MAXQDA function support at:

We might need to take a look at the specific technicalities of your working environments, to give a precise answer to why your outputs appear different.

All the best on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
Posts: 12
Joined: 06.05.2022, 09:32

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