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lost my coded segments

28.04.2022, 09:16


I'm doing my analysis for my masterthesis in MAXQDA. I've been working in a document the whole day yesterday.
I was correcting my transcriptions (so the edit-mode was on) and i was making codes segments.
Then, when i was almost done with the whole document. I clicked somewhere (no clue what happened) and ALL my coded segments from the document are gone.. To make matters worse, it had not taken a back-up.. so i lost all the coding i had done that day.

It's probably too late to get it back now but can anyone tell me what i did, so it won't happen again?


Version: MAXQDA 2022
System: Windows 11
Posts: 1
Joined: 27.04.2022, 23:31

Re: lost my coded segments

29.04.2022, 08:31

Dear Angeline,

Thank you for posting here. The most likely reason for data loss of any kind results from not opening the project file from a local hard drive, but from a network resource, USB flash drive, external hard drive, or from a folder that's being kept synchronized with a cloud service (this can also be your desktop e.g. that is backed up with a cloud service). Since MAXQDA is a database program, all changes get saved automatically. If however the connection gets interrupted, this can lead to errors in the database structure. This is why we strongly recommend to always open the project file from a local hard drive. (You can save it anywhere you want of course, this is just about opening.). You can read more about this here in our FAQs:

Could you please search for backups of your file? Please search your whole system for files with the ending .mx22 so that all MAXQDA 2022 files will be found. Do you still have a backup that contains at least most of your data?

If you don't have any backups, we suggest to contact our online support directly and send us your project file so we can check the file for damages and can try to restore your data. You can contact our support team via the following form:

Kind regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
MAXQDA support team
Posts: 90
Joined: 27.11.2019, 11:44

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