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Zooming in on video

28.09.2021, 00:56

Is there a way to zoom in on videos in MaxQDA to be able to see details?

Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Posts: 2
Joined: 24.09.2021, 21:37

Re: Zooming in on video

01.10.2021, 08:16

Hi there,

When working with videos in MAXQDA, there is no option to zoom in or out of the video in the Multimedia Browser (but only the waveform). However, you can take a snapshot of your video and save the video image as a document in your document system, from where you can zoom into the images. Alternatively, you can code the video passages that interest you most, export the coded video clips from MAXQDA, and analyze the clips with another multimedia app.

Here is how-to information on exporting video clips and snapshots:

I hope this helps!

Posts: 90
Joined: 19.07.2019, 09:48

Re: Zooming in on video

29.07.2023, 14:44

I am also facing this issue but you mentioned the problem here very well and it is really helpful for me now, it is solved and working properly. If you love to watch online video content like movies, web series tv shows, then you must Ullu Mod Apk
Posts: 1
Joined: 24.07.2023, 12:22

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