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Debug.log when opening MAXQDA 2020 projects

18.11.2020, 18:42

Is anyone having issues with a debug.log coming up every time they open a MAXQDA 2020 project (our own projects, new projects, and the example projects) from the desktop?

The debug.log looks like this: "[1118/122453.587:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(116)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale "

I'm not having any issues with using my projects, but the warning is concerning. Also, I confirmed with a colleague that he is also getting this message on his.

Also, if you had this issue, but resolved it, please let me know!

Version: MAXQDA 2020
System: Windows 10
Posts: 1
Joined: 17.11.2020, 21:01

Re: Debug.log when opening MAXQDA 2020 projects

19.11.2020, 13:05

Hi corkigabu,

Thank you for posting here. We are sorry about the inconvenient message! We couldn't find any issues related to this message and our development team is already working on eliminating it.

Kind regards in behalf of MAXQDA,
MAXQDA support team
Posts: 90
Joined: 27.11.2019, 11:44

Re: Debug.log when opening MAXQDA 2020 projects

17.10.2023, 08:58

For the information of tech support, I just had the same happening to me two days ago, with the contents of the debug.log as follows:
[1015/195422.964:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(116)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale
I am running MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020 (Release 20.4.2) on WIndows 10.
Posts: 7
Joined: 28.01.2021, 12:41

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