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Release 20.0.5 (2020-01-16)

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue while exporting data that contains special characters to Word or Excel
  • Fixes an issue while selecting activated codes during teamwork export
  • Fixes an issue while expanding collapsed codes while exporting data from crosstab, codeline or code relations browser
  • Fixes an issue while highlighting search results while opening the search results table from within a word frequencies table
  • Fixes an issue while importing data from YouTube
  • Fixes an issue while using keyboard shortcuts to forward or rewind a media file in the Multimedia Browser window
  • Fixes an issue while importing a REFI-QDA project file from Dedoose
  • Fixes an issue while recognizing spaces when converting a MAXQDA 2018 project to MAXQDA 2020 (Windows only)

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